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Website Essays

Writings (All Media)

Website Essays

The Writings list is organized under the following subject headings: Business and Economic Ethics, Communications, Environmental Issues, Technology & Science, Social & Political Issues, Reports and Briefs.

On Business and Economic Ethics
  • Hard Like Water: Ethics in Business. Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1998.

  • NOTE: Hard Like Water - Ethics In Business is Now available directly from me in PDF form. The price is $15 a copy. (The Oxford University press edition is out of print). To obtain a copy please contact me at

On Business Ethics
  • Taking Oil Stock. Corporate Ethics Monitor May-June, 2007. 19:3, 33.

  • Managing Sustainability. Corporate Ethics Monitor. March-April, 2007. 19:2,17.

  • Pension Challenges. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Jan.-Feb., 2007. 19:1: p 1.

  • God, Power and Gaia. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Nov. Dec., 2006. 18:6, 81.

  • Communicating Ethics. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Sep.-Oct., 2006. 18:5, 65.

  • Googling China. Corporate Ethics Monitor. July-Aug., 2006. 18:4, 49.

  • Religion, Censorship and the Media. Corporate Ethics Monitor. May-June., 2006. 18:3, 33.

  • Telecom Renewal. Corporate Ethics Monitor. March-April., 2006. 18:2, 17.

  • Pensions: Challenges and Responses. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Jan.-Feb., 2006. 18:1, 1.

  • Business and Rights. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Nov.-Dec., 2005. 17:6, 81.

  • Slow Moving sustainability. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Sep.-Oct., 2005. 17:5, 65.

  • Oil opportunism. 2005. Corporate Ethics Monitor. July-Aug., 2005. 17:4, 49.

  • Getting to Zero. Corporate Ethics Monitor. May-June., 2005. 17:3, 33.

  • Mining for Change. Corporate Ethics Monitor. March-April., 2005. 17:2, 17.

  • Minimal Mining. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Jan.-Feb., 2005. 17:1, 1.

  • Whitewashing Crime. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Nov.-Dec., 2004. 16:6, 81.

  • Information and accountability in Banking. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Sep.-Oct., 2004. 16:5, 65.

  • Trust Must be Earned. . Corporate Ethics Monitor. July-Aug., 2004. 16: 4, 49.

  • Hotels and the Culture of Service. . Corporate Ethics Monitor. May-June., 2004. 16: 3, 33.

  • Moral Radar and the Insurance. Corporate Ethics Monitor. March-April., 2004. 16:2 ,17.

  • Ethics and the Energy Industry. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Jan.-Feb., 2004. 16: 1, 1

  • The Street as Culprit. 2002. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Jan.-Feb., 2004. 14:1, 13.

  • Mixed Motives and Ethical Decisions in Business. With Joyce Tigner. Journal of Business Ethics. 25:1; 2001: pp. 1-13

  • The G20 and ethical Globalization. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Nov.-Dec., 2001. 13:6, 92.

  • The Street as Culprit. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Jan.-Feb., 14:1, 2001: p. 13.

  • The G20 and Globalization. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Nov. Dec., 2001: 13:6, p. 92.

  • The Hard Ethics of Soft Markets. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 11:4; July-Aug., 1999: pp. 63-64.

  • Meeting the Challenge of the 21st century. Corporate Ethics Monitor. March-April.,1995. 7:2, 31.

  • Post capitalist ethics. Corporate Ethics Monitor. Jan.-Feb.,1995. 7:1, 16.

  • Environmental Reform in Peru. Corporate Ethics Monitor. July-Aug.,1994. 6: 4, 53.

  • Business Ethics: The State of the Art. Corporate Ethics Monitor. July-Aug.,1991. 3:4, 63.

  • Business Ethics in Europe. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 2:1 January, 1990. p. 15-16.

  • The Cambridge Conference. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 2:2; March, 1990: p. 31-2.

  • Ethics and Technology: the Guelph Conference. Corporate Ethics Monitor. July-Aug., 1990. 2:4, 64-5.

  • Business Ethics in Europe. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 2:1 January, 1990. p. 15-16.

  • The Cambridge Conference. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 2:2; March, 1990: p. 31-2.

  • Activism or Action? The Pollution Probe Controversy. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 1:5; September, 1989: p. 77-78.

  • The Bentley College Conference. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 1:4; July, 1989: p. 31-32.

  • Good Ethics means Good Management. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 1:2; March, , 1989: p. 31-2.

  • Business Ethics in Britain. Corporate Ethics Monitor. November,1989. 1:6, 91-2.

On Communications
  • Intellectual Property and the Commercialization of Research and Development. Science and Engineering Ethics. April, 2005. Vol. 11, No. 2: pp. 203-220.

  • The Knowledge Economy and Moral Community. Journal of Business Ethics. 38:1; 2002: pp.167-177.

  • Diverse Knowledges, Competing Interests: An Essay on Socio-Technical Problem-Solving. Science and Engineering Ethics Journal. Vol 8:1; January, 2002: pp. 83-98.

  • Heraclitus and the Spirit of Technology. A review of Wade Rowland. The Spirit of the Web: The Age of information from the Telegraph to Internet. In The Literary Review of Canada. Winter, 2000/01: pp. 22-25.

  • Knowledge, Power and Professional Ethics. Critical Notice of C. Derber, W. A. Schwartz and Y. Magrass. Power in the Highest Degree. Professionals and the Rise of a New Mandarin Order. Oxford University Press, New York: 1990. In Business Ethics Quarterly. 4:2: April, 1993: pp. 185-95.

  • Communications, Power and Time: an Innisian View. Canadian Journal of Political Science. June, 1990; XIII.2: pp. 336-57.

  • Of Stone, Books and Freedom. Visible Language. Summer, 1986; 12:3: pp. 344-55.

On Environmental Issues
  • Darwin on Moral Intelligence. Philosophy Now. January-February, 2009. pp. 11-16.

  • Mr Bush's national energy plan- a case study in ethical policy assessment. Public Integrity. Spring, 2003. vol.5, no. 2: pp 113-225.

  • The Commons. Entry in The Philosophy Of Law, an Encylopedia. Christopher B. Gray, editor. Garland Press, New York, 1999: p. 129-131.

  • Effective Environmental Performance in Mining: an international Perspective. In K. Rehbein and Jeanne M. Logsdon, editors. 1996 Proceedings, 7th Annual Conference. International Association for Business and Society. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 1996: pp. 312-17.

  • Environmental and Social Performance. Journal of Business Ethics. 15:7; 1996: pp. 773-784.

  • Environmental Performance and Technology in Mining. In T. Hynes and M. Blanchette, editors. Sudbury '95: Mining And The Environment: Conference Proceedings. CANMET, Ottawa, 1995. Volume I, pp. 239-48.

  • A Performance Ethic and Sustainable Forestry: Comments from an Ethical Realist. An Environmental Ethic Perspective on Sustainable Development. P. Crabbe, editor. University of Ottawa Institute for Research on Environment and Economy, Ottawa, 1995: pp. 249-59.

  • Mining and the Environment: New Directions. Partners in Progress. Sudbury Chamber of Commerce. 4:4; August, 1994: p. 10.

  • Environmental Reform in Peru. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 6:3; July-Aug., 1994: p. 53

  • Environmental Performance and Competitive Advantage In Canada's Paper Industry. With Barry Cotton and John Dodge. Business Strategy and The Environment. 2:1, 1993: pp. 2-7.

  • Ethics & Technology. Corporate Ethics Monitor. 2:4; July, 1990. p. 64-5.

  • From Critical Theory to Critical Ecology. Telos. Winter; 22, 1975: pp. 83-98.

On Technology & Science
  • The Olivieri Report - A Compelling Study of the Growing Tensions in Clinical Research. Science and Engineering Ethics Journal. Vol 9:1; January, 2003: pp. 125-32.

  • Complexity, Ingenuity, and Moral Intelligence. A review of Thomas Homer-Dixon. The Ingenuity Gap. In The Literary Review of Canada. Vol. 10:1; Jan./Feb., 2002: pp. 6-9.

  • Technological Complexity and Ethical Control. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. 21:1; Spring, 2002: pp. 33-39.

  • Ethics, Technology Development and Innovation. Business Ethics Quarterly. July, 1994; 4:3: pp. 235-52.

  • Ethics, Innovation and Technology. In E. Lugo, H. Luyke, and W. Frey, eds. Actas. 2do Congreso Interamericano de Filosofia de la Tecnologia. Fundacion Puerto Riqueno de las Humanidades y el Centro de Filosofia e Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. 1994: pp. 52-72.

On Social and Political Issues
  • Empire and Democracy as we Approach the Third Millenium. In V. Cauchy, editor. Proceedings of the Second World Congess on Violence and Human -Coexistence. Montmorency Press, Montreal. Volume V, 1995: pp. 288-302.

  • The Embattled Democrat. Review essay of Conor Cruise O'Brien's On the Eve of the Millenium. CBC, Toronto, 1994; and Donald Harmon Akenson. Conor: A Biography of Cruise O'Brien. Volume I: Biography; Volume II: Anthology. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, 1994. In the Literary Review of Canada. 4:7; July-August, 1995: pp 12-14.

  • Social Reproduction and Federalism. Socialist Studies: A Canadian Annual. No. 2, 1985: pp. 190-209.

  • Beyond the Red Tory: Rethinking Canadian Nationalism. Queen's Quarterly. Winter, 1984; 91:3: p. 83-98.

  • Federalisme, l'etat, et la democratie. Philosophiques. Avril, 1981: pp. 167-84.

  • Interview on Philosophy in Canada. In Rita Melillo, ed. Ka-Kanata. Pluralismo Filosofico. Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Pro Press Editrice, Napoli, 1994: pp. 81-89.

  • Social Reproduction and Federalism. In R. Martin, editor. Critical Perspectives on the Constitution. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 1985: pp. 196-210.

  • Ideological Conflict In Canadian Education. In R. Townsend and S. Lawton, editors. What's so Canadian about Canadian Education? Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, Toronto, 1981: pp. 65-80.

  • Calvin and Kropotkin. In Ross Fitzgerald, editor. Comparing Political Thinkers. Pergamon, Sidney, Aus., 1980: pp. 203-222

  • Empire structures of the Canadian State. In S. French, editor. Philosophers Look at Confederation. Canadian Philosophical Association, Montreal, 1980: pp. 217-25

  • Should Canada pay for Quebec Sovereignty? The Montreal Gazette. 28 February, 1991: p. B3.

  • The Public Refuses to be Ignored. Financial Times. 24 September, 1990: p. 36.

  • Should Canada pay for Quebec Sovereignty? The Montreal Gazette. 28 February, 1991: p. B3.

  • Ordinary Language and Radical Philosophy. Radical Philosophy. Winter, 1975: 12, pp. 25-29.

Reports & Briefs
  • Re Oct 2008. Global Warming is Man-made. Environmental Action Barrie Living Green. To download a copy of this report please click the following link: VdNglobalwarmingreport

  • July 2007. On Northern Ethanol Plant for Environmental Action Barrie Living Green

  • June 2006. HP Noranda recycling

  • September 2003. Sustainability reporting for Placer Dome 27

  • May / Oct 2006. Sustainability reporting Benchmarks Imperial Oil environmental IT survey / Interviews of 5 companies (Alcan, Dofasco, Barrick, Noranda, Falconbridge)
  • Application Service Provider Business Plan. For Kevin Fitzgerald, President, Aurora Microsystems, Sudbury. October, 2001. Includes 5 year financing plan. 33 pages.

  • ASP Project Financing. For Kevin Fitzgerald, President, Aurora Microsystems, Sudbury. October, 2001. 2 pages

  • Aurora Microsystems Mission. For Kevin Fitzgerald, President, December, 1997. 12 pages.

  • Aurora Microsystems -Meetings Diagnostics Report. For Kevin Fitzgerald, President. August, 18, 1999. 7 pages.

  • Aurora Venture Financing Business Plan. December, 1997.??

  • Regulating at the Speed of Light. Brief submitted to the Canadian Radio Television Commission 1998 New Media hearings. 30 September, 1998. Report: 18 pages; Exec. Summary: 3 pages.

  • Convergence and Diversity: Business Ethics in New Zealand's Universities. A report commissioned by the University of Auckland Business School Sent to all New Zealand Universities, and Unitec Polytechnic in Auckland, and three participating Australian universities. June 3, 1998. 10 pages.

  • Environmental Values at Falconbridge. Environmental Values and Technological Innovation (EVTI) project Case Study draft report to Falconbridge Ltd. on its environmental management systems. February, 1995. 48 pages. Executive Summary; 3 Appendices; 6 charts.

  • Report on the Formation of an Ethics Committee. Submitted to Sudbury Network North Psychiatric Hospital. April, 1995: 2 pages.

  • Harassment and Human Rights Policy. Report Submitted to the University of Sudbury Board of Directors. December, 1993: 9 pages.

  • Energy Project/Sunthetic Plant. Report to Environmental Technology Committee of Sudbury Next Ten Years Conference. Re the the $700 million Sunthetic Energy Inc. proposal for a Mixed Oxygenate Plant. Conference sponsored by the Sudbury Regional Development Corporation and the Sudbury Chamber of Comerce. 27 August, 1992. 9 pages.

  • Ethics, Democracy and the Constitution. Brief to the Senate/House Joint Committee on Amending the Constitution, Toronto hearings. 23 April, 1991.

  • We Need to ask the Right Questions. Brief presented to the Ontario Legislature Committee on the Constitution, Sudbury. February 11, 1991.

  • Sudbury 2001 and the Fairford Controller. Report for Sudbury Regional Development Commission & Sudbury 2001 conference. 1982. 4 pages.

  • Brief on religious TV channel application. With other University of Sudbury professors. Presented to the Canadian Radio Television Commission Hearings on Religious Television Channel Applications. June, 1981.

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294 Cundles Rd West
Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 7C9
Phone: (705) 725-1280

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